Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Up All Night Is An Overused Name.

Ok, this is just a short post to point out something I've noticed in music. Everyone seems to want to call their song or album "Up All Night". And most of the time, thesong or album has nothing to do with being up all night! What gives?

First there's Hinder's song "Up All Night". Then country artists Kip Moore's album called "Up All Night", which came out just weeks after boy band One Direction released their debut album "Up All Night". Really? Then there's Drake's song "Up All Night" from his "Thank Me Later" album, and of course the lead single from Blink-182's "Neighborhoods" called, you guessed it, "Up All Night".

If you search up all night on iTunes, it brings up 100's of results for albums and songs. There's at least 20 albums with that name, so I guess what I'm saying in my sort of 'rant' is, STOP NAMING YOUR FUCKING ALBUMS AND SONGS UP ALL NIGHT!!! ITS BEEN DONE WAY TOO MANY TIMES!

There's plenty of words out there,call it something else.

Keep it real - Jon,Album Review TV

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